Plateforme expérimentale © Photo : B. Molle, INRAE

MAGO - Mediterranean wAter management solutions for a sustainable aGriculture supplied by an Online collaborative platform

mago pg© Photo : Experimental platform - B. Molle, INRAE



Food security and water management in the Mediterranean Region are challenged by reduced water availability due to climate change. While compelling technologies exist to improve the performance and resilience of water systems, progress has been slow in practice. One major difficulty is the disconnection between research results with real market needs and end-users demand. The MAGO project will make this connection by addressing some key barriers to innovation diffusion and adoption (e.g. social and political issues, need for affordable solutions, capacity building and new business models).


MAGO will demonstrate novel solutions to enhance integrated water resources management for a sustainable agriculture in the Mediterranean Region. These solutions will boost water use efficiency in agriculture, the use of alternative water resources and climate change adaptation. They will be demonstrated in Tunisia, Spain, France and Lebanon. These solutions will build upon (1) a novel participatory approach with end-users and stakeholders and (2) a new online collaborative platform for researchers and entrepreneurs for delivering web applications.

Additional Info

  • Contact(s):

    Project managers: Bruno MOLLE et Claire SERRA-WITTLING
    Phone : +33 (0)4 67 16 65 04  ; +33 (0)4 67 04 63 12 
    E-mail : ;

  • Briefly:
    Theme / Domain: Water management
    Financial sponsor of study: European Union
    Partner Organizations: CETAQUA (Spain), leader; Aigües de Barcelone (Spain); CSIC-IDAEA (Spain); LISODE (France); University of Thessaly (Greece); INRGREF (Tunisia); American University of Beirut (Lebanon); Chahbani Technologies SA (Tunisia); Ezzayra Solutions (Tunisia); Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain).
    Project type: PRIMA
    Country, Region of study: Southern and Northern countries of the Mediterranean
    Starting date of the project: April 2021
    End date of the project: March 2024
  • Productions:

    Productions related to the project: ----------
    - Articles:
    - Theses:
    - Software:

  • Team(s) of Joint Research Unit concerned:


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