What economic tools and instruments for the sustainable management of karst water resources? A case study of the Lez karst - Walid Guenbib

The doctoral project titled "What economic tools and instruments for sustainable management of karst water resources? A case study of the Lez karst" aims to identify solutions for the sustainable management of a karst aquifer in the context of climate change.

aquifre lez brgmFigure 1 : Boundaries of the Lez Aquifer Catchment Area (BRGM, 2014)



This research is set against a backdrop of increasing pressures on groundwater resources due to both climatic and anthropogenic factors.


The study focuses on the Lez karst aquifer, the main source of drinking water for Montpellier, providing 93% of the metropolitan area's water supply. The scientific challenges include analyzing user and stakeholder perceptions of the resource, as well as developing economic instruments to promote water conservation and collective management.


The expected outcomes will consist of concrete proposals for tools and management mechanisms applicable to both industrial and public sectors, particularly for managing water resources and demands. This project is based on interdisciplinary collaborations within the K3 program of the PEPR "One Water - Eau bien commun" and will include participatory workshops with local stakeholders to ensure collaborative and sustainable management.


Key words : Water demand, economic approaches, global change, karst groundwater resource


Additional Info

  • Contact:

    PhD Student : GUENBIB Walid
    Phone : +33 605431893
    E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Doctoral School: EDEG de Montpellier
    Thesis Director: Marielle MONTGINOUL
    Supervisor: Noémie NEVERRE
    Start date: 01/01/2025
    Defense date: xx/xx/2028

  • Team(s) of Joint Research Unit concerned:


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