Vendredi découverte - Between paradigms and narratives in the Semiarid region of Brazil - Daniela Henriquez

Vendredi découverte
vendredi 15 octobre 2021 11:00
A distance (via lien ci-après) - En présentiel (lieu à définir)

Daniela Henriquez, actuellement en stage de Master 2 avec Veronica Mitroi et Anne-Laure Collard sur le projet Sertoes, présentera ses travaux intiulés :

Between paradigms and narratives in the Semiarid region of Brazil


Résumé :

Current debates about water policies in the Northeast region of Brazil argue that there is a transition from a paradigm of “Combat droughts” to a new approach with emphasis on the “Convivence with the semiarid”. Exploring this hypothesis, we analyzed the historical evolution of knowledge and policies applied to deal with water scarcities in the zone. Using the hydrosocial cycle, as an analytical tool, we observed the reciprocal relationships between water representation, infrastructure, and society, concluding that more than a change of paradigm, it is possible to find a coexistence of multiples narratives changing according to political objectives, behind which are justified (or questioned) unequal water distributions and the material structures that support it. 

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