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- Sciences sociales
- Gestion des ressources naturelles
- Institutions pour la gestion de la ressource en eau
- Organisations professionnelles agricoles, coopératives
- Politiques de développement rural et agricole, projets de développement
- Systèmes d’innovation agricole et apprentissages
Nicolas Faysse est socio-économiste (HdR). Nicolas Faysse a une expérience professionnelle, principalement en Tunisie, France, Afrique du Sud, Bolivie, Maroc et Thaïlande. Ses différents travaux s’articulent en 4 principaux axes. Le premier axe porte sur la gouvernance de l’eau, et plus généralement la gestion des ressources en accès commun : les processus de coordination et négociation entre acteurs (en particulier pour la gestion des eaux souterraines) et les plates-formes multiacteurs. Le deuxième axe concerne les dynamiques agricoles, depuis les stratégies des agriculteurs jusqu’aux politiques publiques agricoles. Le troisième axe concerne l’action collective entre acteurs, et notamment entre agriculteurs (organisations professionnelles, coopératives, etc.). Le dernier axe porte sur la conception participative de scénarios de développement agricole et de gestion de l’eau à l’échelle de territoires locaux.
1996-1998 : Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et Forêts (ENGREF) - DEA Sciences de l’Eau dans l’Environnement continental
1998-2001. Doctorat en Sciences Economiques. Université Paris X Nanterre. Titre du manuscrit : «L’influence des règles collectives d’allocation de l’eau sur les choix stratégiques des agriculteurs. Des petits périmètres irrigués tunisiens aux prélèvements en rivière dans le bassin de l’Adour. »
Ben Mustafa Azza (2016). Aux origines de l’action : la capacité d’action? Logiques des acteurs et leurs maîtrises d’enjeux communs dans le cas d’associations d’irrigants en Tunisie. AgroParisTech.
Harbaoui, K., Hamrouni, E., Ouilhezi, H., Aouadi, Z., Faysse, N., Benaissa, N., ... & Burte, J. (2021). Actions de développement proposées par des habitants d’une zone rurale en Tunisie: entre des demandes individuelles et le pari d’actions collectives. Alternatives Rurales, 108.
Hérique, O., & Faysse, N. (2021). A large-scale public programme to promote organic rice farming in Thailand: building solid foundations to enable farmers to engage?Organic Agriculture, 11(1), 27-40.
Vernet, P. A., Faysse, N., Suos, V., Oung, N., Son, S., Leng, V., ... & Tivet, F. (2020). Investing in a no-till planter in Cambodia: A promising opportunity for certain categories of service providers. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Safety, 1, 1-13.
Salaisook, P., Faysse, N., & Tsusaka, T. W. (2020). Reasons for adoption of sustainable land management practices in a changing context: A mixed approach in Thailand. Land Use Policy, 96, 104676
Faysse, N., Aguilhon, L., Phiboon, K., Purotaganon, M. (2020). Mainly farming … but what's next? The future of irrigated farms in Thailand. Journal of Rural Studies, 73, 68-76.
Faysse, N., & Phiboon, K. (2019). Building Capacities for Change: Farmers Moving Away from Conventional Rice Farming in Prachinburi Province, Thailand. Journal of Community Development Research (Humanities and Social Sciences), 12(4), 57-67.
Faysse, N. (2019). Renewing the engagement of young people in farming in Thailand: Possible pathways. Outlook on Agriculture, 48(4), 271-272.
Filloux, T., Faysse, N., & Pintobtang, P. (2019). The long road to becoming a farmer: Thai agricultural students’ plans. Outlook on Agriculture, 48(4), 273-281..
Ruiz Salvago, M., Phiboon, K., Faysse, N., & Nguyen, T. P. L. (2019). Young people’s willingness to farm under present and improved conditions in Thailand. Outlook on Agriculture, 48(4), 282-291.
Phiboon, K., Cochetel, C., & Faysse, N. (2019). Support programmes and the diversity of young farmers in Thailand: A good match?. Outlook on Agriculture, 8(4), 300-308.
Faysse, N., Phiboon, K., & Filloux, T. (2019). Public policy to support young farmers in Thailand. Outlook on Agriculture, 48(4), 292-299.
Trakuldit, T., & Faysse, N. (2019). Difficult encounters around “monkey cheeks”: Farmers' interests and the design of flood retention areas in Thailand. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12(S2), e12543.
Bouzidi, Z., Faysse, N., Kuper, M., & Billaud, J. P. (2019). Investigating the invisible roots of a prevailing narrative of farmers’ failed collective action in Morocco. The Journal of North African Studies, 1-21.
Pak-Uthai, S., & Faysse, N. (2018). The risk of second-best adaptive measures: Farmers facing drought in Thailand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 28, 711-719.
Lictevout, E., & Faysse, N. (2018). A doubly invisible aquifer: Hydrogeological studies and actorsʼ strategies in the pampa del Tamarugal aquifer, northern Chile. Water Alternatives, 11(3), 592-606.
Faysse, N., & Onsamran, W. (2018). The differing strategies of agricultural cooperatives in Thailand: From managing market links to self-reliance. Journal of Community Development Research, 11(3), 13-26.
Faysse, N. (2017). Dwindling or thriving? Making sense of the diversity of agricultural and rural dynamics in Thailand. NIDA Development Journal, 57(4), 1-14.
Huang, X., Faysse, N., & Ren, X. (2017). A multi-stakeholder platform involving a mining company and neighbouring villages in China: Back to development issues. Resources Policy, 51, 243-250.
Faysse, N., & Mustapha, A. B. (2017). Finding common ground between theories of collective action: the potential of analyses at a meso-scale. International Journal of the Commons, 11(2), 928-949.
Faysse, N., Sellika, IE, Rinaudo, JD, Errahj, M. (2017). Participatory scenario planning for sustainable irrigated agriculture when actors seldom communicate: an experiment in Morocco. International Journal of Water Resource Development, 34(6), 982-1000.
Faysse, N., Rais, I., Ait El Mekki, A., & Jourdain, D. (2017). Prospects for a certified mint supply chain in Morocco based on an assessment of consumers' willingness to pay. New Medit, 16(2), 47-54.
Faysse, N., Bonnal, P., & Sabourin, É. (2016). Les politiques d’appui à l’agriculture familiale au Brésil et au Maroc: quelques éléments de comparaison. Revue franco-brésilienne de géographie, 29
Faysse, N., Thomas, L. (2016). Getting Technical: Farmers' New Strategies to Exercise Agency in Negotiating Development Projects in Morocco. Forum for Development Studies 43(2), 229-249.
Communal, T., Faysse, N., Bleuze, S., & Aceldo, B. (2016). Effects at Farm and Community Level of the Adoption of Sprinkler Irrigation in the Ecuadorian Andes. Irrigation and Drainage. 65(4), 559-567
Faysse, N. (2015). The rationale of the Green Morocco Plan: missing links between goals and implementation. The Journal of North African Studies, 1-13.
Faysse, N., Bouzekraoui, M., & Errahj, M. (2015). Participation et amélioration des compétences dans des groupes restreints. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 9(3), 351-369.
Mohamed, Z., Faysse, N., Errahj, M., Bekkari, L., & El Amrani, M. (2015). Grille d'analyse de la maturation de projets collectifs de conversion à l'irrigation localisée: application dans des oasis du Maroc. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 36(4), 484-498.
Faysse, N., Simon, C. 2015. Holding All the Cards? Quality Management by Cooperatives in a Moroccan Dairy Value Chain. European Journal of Development Research. 27(1), 140-155.
Faysse N., Errahj M., Imache A., Kemmoun H., Labbaci T. 2014. First steps towards improved resilience when governance is weak: Supporting dialogue among stakeholders for adaptation to a groundwater crisis in Morocco. Society and Natural Resources, 0: 1-16.
Santos F.D., Stigter T.Y., Faysse N., Lourenço T.C. 2014. Editorial: Impacts and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas - The CIRCLE-MED initiative. Regional Environmental Change, 14:1.
Rouchouse, M., Faysse, N., De Romemont, A., Moumouni, I., Faure, G. 2014. Communication between Participants and Non-participants in Analytical Capacity Building Projects: Management Advice to Family Farms in Benin. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-18.
Frija, A., Chebil, A., Speelman, S., Faysse, N. 2014. A critical assessment of groundwater governance in Tunisia. Water Policy, 16(2), 358-373.
Faysse N, Errahj M, Dumora C, Kemmoun H, Errahj M. 2012. Linking research and public engagement: weaving an alternative narrative of Moroccan family farmers’ collective action. Agricultural and Human Values, 29(3) : 413-426.
Faysse, N., Rinaudo, J. D., Bento, S., Richard-Ferroudji, A., Errahj, M., Varanda, M., Imache, A., Dionnet, M., Rollin, D., Garin, P., Maton, L., Montginoul, M. 2012. Participatory analysis for adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean agricultural systems: possible choices in process design. Regional Environmental Change, 1-14, 14(1), 57-70.
Faysse N, Sraïri MT, Errahj M. Local farmers’ organisations: a space for peer-to-peer learning? The case of milk collection cooperatives in Morocco. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 18(3): 285-299.
Faysse N, Petit O. 2012. Convergent Readings of Groundwater Governance? Engaging Exchanges Between Different Research Perspectives. Irrigation and Drainage, 61: 106-114.
Dumora C, Kemmoun H, Errahj M, Kuper M, Faysse N. 2012. Construction d’une narrative alternative d’action collective en grande hydraulique au Maroc. Nature Sciences Société, 20(3), 286-296.
Faysse N, El Amrani M, El Aydi S, Lahlou A. 2012 The formulation and implementation of policies to face groundwater overuse in Morocco: which supporting coalitions? Irrigation and Drainage, 61: 126-134.
Berrahmani A, Faysse N, Errahj M, Gafsi M. 2012. Chasing water: Diverging farmers’ strategies to cope with the groundwater crisis in the coastal Chaouia region in Morocco. Irrigation and Drainage, 61: 673-681.
Layadi, A, Faysse N., Dumora, C. 2011. Les organisations professionnelles agricoles locales, partenaires pour renforcer le dialogue technique ? Une expérience avec des éleveurs de bovins au Maroc. Cahiers Agriculture 20(5) : 428-33.
Bouzidi Z, Abdellaoui EH, Faysse N., Billaud JP, Kuper M, Errahj M. 2011. Dévoiler les réseaux locaux d'innovation dans les grands périmètres irrigués. Cahiers Agricultures 20 : 34-9.
Faysse, N., Errahj, M., Kuper, M., Mahdi, M. 2010. Learning to Voice? The Evolving Roles of Family Farmers in the Coordination of Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Morocco. Water Alternatives 3(1): 48-67.
Errahj M, Kuper M, Faysse N., Djebbara M. 2009. Finding a way to legality, local coordination modes and public policies in large-scale irrigation schemes in Algeria and Morocco. Irrigation and Drainage, 58: 358-369.
Kuper M, Errahj M, Faysse N., Caron P, Djebbara M, Kemmoun H 2009. Autonomie et dépendance des irrigants en grande hydraulique : observations de l'action organisée au Maroc et en Algérie. Nature Sciences Sociétés, 17 (3) : 248-256.
Kadiri Z, Kuper M, Faysse N., Errahj M. 2009. Local transformation of a state-initiated institutional innovation: the example of water users associations in an irrigation scheme in Morocco. Irrigation and Drainage, 58: 346-357.
Faysse, N. 2006. Troubles on the way : An analysis of the challenges faced by multi-stakeholder platforms. Natural Resource Forum, 30: 229-229.
Faysse, N. 2005. Coping with the Tragedy of the Commons: game structure and design of rules. Journal of Economic Surveys, 19(2): 239-261.
Faysse N. 2004. Challenges for fruitful participation of smallholders in large-scale water resource management organisations: selected case studies in South Africa. Agrekon, review of the Association of South African Agricultural Economists, 43 (1): 52-73.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Faysse N, Cossio V, Quiroz F, Ampuero R., Paz B. 2007. Less tension, limited decisions: a multi-stakeholder platform to review a contested sanitation project in Tiquipaya, Bolivia. In: Warner, J. (Ed.) Multi-Stakeholder Platforms for Integrated Water Management. Ashgate, Hampshire, England.
Butterworth J, Ducrot R, Faysse N, Janakarajan S (Eds.). 2007. Peri-urban water conflicts: Supporting dialogue and negotiation. Delft : IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, 128 p.
Rapports techniques
- Faysse, N., Hartani, T., Frija, A., Tazekrit, I., Zairi, C., & Challouf, A. (2011). Usage agricole des eaux souterraines et initiatives de gestion au Maghreb: défis et opportunités pour un usage durable des aquifères. Note Economique de la BAD, 1-24.