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- Economie des ressources naturelles et agricoles
- Valeur économique des ressources naturelles
- Modèles de ménage agricoles, Expériences de Choix Discrets
Damien Jourdain travaille au sein du Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD). Depuis 2017, Il est détaché auprès du Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA), à la Faculté des sciences naturelles et agricoles de l'Université de Pretoria (UP). Il est également l'animateur du CIRAD au sein du Centre conjoint UP-CIRAD pour l'étude de l'innovation dans la gouvernance (GovInn).
Son programme de recherche porte sur :
- La valeur économique des hydro-écosystèmes,
- Les impacts des politiques d'allocation de l'eau (efficacité, équité) et les implications potentielles pour les secteurs de l'alimentation et de l'énergie, et
- les instruments économiques et institutionnels permettant de réduire la consommation d'eau des différents secteurs, notamment l'agriculture.
Au cours de sa carrière, il a travaillé successivement en Thaïlande (1990-1995) au sein de la Commission Economique et Sociale des Nations Unies pour l’Asie et le Pacifique, au Mexique (1997-2002) au sein du Departement d’Economie du CIMMYT, au Vietnam (2006-2010) au sein du Département d’Economie de l’IRRI, en Thaïlande (2010-2017) en tant qu’enseignant chercheur en Economie de l’Environnement au sein de l’Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
2004 |
Doctorat. Université Montpellier I, Montpellier, France. Titre du manuscrit : « Impact des politiques visant à réduire la consommation brute en eau |
1995 |
DEA « Economie du Développement Agricole ». Université Montpellier I |
1986 |
Ingénieur Agronome, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes |
Damien Hauswirth (2013). Analyse par modélisation bioéconomique de l’attractivité de système de culture sans travail du sol pour des exploitations de montagne du Nord Vietnam. Supagro (ED SIBAGHE). Co-directeurs : Jacques WERY et Pablo Tittonell ; Co-encadrants : François Affholder, Damien Jourdain.
Vivithkeyoonvong, Somsak (Oct. 2016). Social preferences and economic value of irrigated rice agriculture: A case study in Northeast Thailand. SERD-NRM, Bangkok, AIT.
Andriyani Idah. Inducing land use change in the Pusur Upper Catchment (Indonesia):Feasibility and Impact on Water Resources. (May 2017) SERD-ASE, Bangkok, AIT.
Juliette Lairez (Décembre 2020) co-encadrée avec F. Affholder : « Evaluer la durabilité des systèmes de culture dans un contexte de transition rapide d’une agriculture familiale s’intégrant au marché : cas de la monoculture mécanisée du maïs en Asie du Sud-Est » (École doctorale GAIA)
- Articles
Jourdain, D, Lairez, J, Striffler, B and Affholder, F (2020) Farmers' preference for cropping systems and the development of sustainable intensification: a choice experiment approach. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 2020(101), 417-437.
Lairez, J, Lopez-Ridaura, S, Jourdain, D, Falconnier, G N, Lienhard, P, Striffler, B, Syfongxay, C and Affholder, F (2020) Context matters: Agronomic field monitoring and participatory research to identify criteria of farming system sustainability in South-East Asia. Agricultural Systems 182102830.
Asghar, S, Sasaki, N, Jourdain, D and Tsusaka, T W (2018) Levels of Technical, Allocative, and Groundwater Use Efficiency and the Factors Affecting the Allocative Efficiency of Wheat Farmers in Pakistan. Sustainability 10(5), 1619.
Sakolwitayanon, H, Peeyush, S and Jourdain, D (2018) Attributes determining consumer preference for organic rice in Bangkok, Thailand. British Food Journal 120(9), 2017-2032.
Faysse, N, Rais, I, Ait El Mekki, A and Jourdain, D (2017) Prospects for a certified mint supply chain in Morocco based on an assessment of consumers' willingness to pay. New Medit 16(2), 47-54.
Jourdain, D and Vivithkeyoonvong, S (2017) Valuation of ecosystem services provided by irrigated rice agriculture in Thailand: a choice experiment considering attribute non-attendance. Agricultural Economics 48(5), 655-667.
Qian, C, Sasaki, N, Jourdain, D, Kim, S M and Shivakoti, P G (2017) Local livelihood under different governances of tourism development in China–A case study of Huangshan mountain area. Tourism Management 61221-233.
Vivithkeyoonvong, S and Jourdain, D (2017) Willingness to pay for ecosystem services provided by irrigated agriculture in Northeast Thailand. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 13(1), 14-26.
Andriyani, I, Jourdain, D, Lidon, B, Soni, P and Kartiwa, B (2016) Upland Farming System Erosion Yields and Their Constraints to Change for Sustainable Agricultural Conservation Practices: A Case Study of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change in Indonesia. Land Degradation & Development.
Timsina, K P, Jourdain, D and Shivakoti, G (2016) Farmer preference for seed quality: A choice experiment with tomato growers in Nepal. International Journal of Value Chain Management 7(4), 368-390.
Ullah, R, Jourdain, D, Shivakoti, G P and Dhakal, S (2015) Managing catastrophic risks in agriculture: Simultaneous adoption of diversification and precautionary savings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2015(12), 268-277.
- Chapitres d’ouvrages
Malam, I O, Hauswirth, D, Jourdain, D, Orange, D, Duteurtre, G and Valentin, C (2018) Ethical questions associated with research on soil-based ecosystem services. . In Moulin, A. M., Oupathana, B., Souphanthong, M. and Taverne, B., eds., Ethics in Research for International Development : Health, Environment, Societies Dakar (SEN) ; Marseille (FR): L'Harmattan-Sénégal pp.
Vivithkeyoonvong, S, Jourdain, D, Janekarnkij, P, Perret, S R and Shivakoti, G (2018) Society's preferences for Ecosystem Services from Irrigated Rice Areas: a case study in Northeast Thailand. In Trisurat, Y., Shrestha, R. P. and Havmoller, P., eds., Thailand: Environmental Resources, Social Issues and Related Policies. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 323-346.
Jourdain, D, Srisopaporn, S, Perret, S R and Shivakoti, G (2016) The Role of Information Provision on Public GAP Standard Adoption: The Case of Rice Farmers in the Central Plains of Thailand. In Shivakoti, G. P., Pradhan, U. and Helmi, eds., Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia : Sustainable natural resources management in dynamic Asia. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 331-350.
Jourdain, D (2006) Impact of institutional changes within small-scale collective irrigated systems : A case-study in Mexico. In Perret, S., Farolfi, S. and Hassan, R., eds., Water Governance for Sustainable Development: Approaches and Lessons from Developing and Transitional Countries. London: Earthscan, pp. 223-238.
- Expertises
Jourdain, D, Mungatana, E, Namakando, N, Mirzabaev, A and Njiraini, G (2020) Water Quality and Water Related Ecosystem Services in the Olifants ‑ South Africa: A qualitative approach, In, Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 145.
Mirzabaev, A, Njiraini, G, Jourdain, D, Magaia, E, Julio, F, Mosse, G, Mutondo, J and Mungata, E (2019) Transboundary Water Resources for People and Nature: Challenges and Opportunities in the Olifants River Basin, In.
Jourdain, D, Vivithkeyoonvong, S and Srisopaporn, S (2012) Stakeholders’ views on the sustainability of rice production in Thailand In, Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, 14 (+ 30 pp annexes)
- Communications
Jourdain, D, Lairez, J, Striffler, B and Affholder, F (2018) Farmers preference for cropping systems and the development of sustainable intensification: a choice experiment approach, In 12es Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, Nantes (FR).
Lairez, J, Affholder, F, Jourdain, D, Lienhard, P, Lopez-Ridaura, S and Wery, J (2018) Assessing sustainability in maize-based farms undergoing rapid transition: a case-study in Northern Laos. PoS2-36, In: Agroscope.
Lungu, H, Karuaihe, S and Jourdain, D (2018) Climate Smart Agriculture Technology: An assessment of youth technology adoption in the Northern Province of Zambia, A paper presented at Sustainability and Development Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.: November 9-11, 2018.
Vagneron, I, Jourdain, D, Myint, T and Ferrand, P (2018) Urban consumer perceptions of food in Myanmar: between tradition and modernity, In University of Michigan, ed., Sustainability and Development Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
Jourdain, D (2013) Impact of Institutional Changes within Small-scale Groundwater Irrigated Systems: A Case Study in Mexico, In Water Governance for Sustainable Development: Approaches and Lessons from Developing and Transitional Countries, 223.