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Principaux thèmes de recherche:
- Institutions et gouvernance de l’eau
- Instruments économiques et gestion de la demande en eau
- Modélisation hydro-économique pour optimisation de l’allocation de l’eau
- Approches économiques des géo-risques
Main research themes:
- Water institutions and governance
- Economic instruments and water demand management
- Hydro-economic modeling for water allocation optimization
- Economic approaches to geohazards
Jean-Daniel Rinaudo est chercheur en socio-économie au Brgm. Ingénieur agronome de formation (Montpellier SupAgro 1994), il s'est spécialisé en économie de l'agriculture et des ressources (doctorat Université d'Auvergne, 2000, HDR en économie Université de Montpelier). Avant de rejoindre Brgm, il a travaillé pour l'International Water Management Institute au Pakistan où ses recherches ont porté sur l'économie politique des réformes de la gestion de l'irrigation. Ses recherches actuelles portent principalement sur la dimension économique et institutionnelle de la gestion des eaux souterraines. La plupart de ses recherches sont menées en France mais il travaille également à l’international (Maroc, Chili, Espagne, Californie, AUstralie…). Il développe actuellement de nouvelles activités de recherche dans le domaine de l'économie des risques naturels, en se concentrant sur les méthodes d'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des acteurs économiques et de la résilience des territoires. Jean Daniel Rinaudo est également membre du conseil scientifique de l'agence de bassin Adour Garonne et membre du conseil scientifique du JPI Water.
Dr. Jean-Daniel Rinaudo is researcher at Brgm. Initially trained as an agricultural engineer (Montpellier SupAgro 1994), he specialized in agricultural and resource economics (PhD University of Auvergne, 2000, HDR in economics from Montpellier University). Prior to joining Brgm, he worked for the International Water Management Institute in Pakistan where his research focused on the political economy of irrigation management reforms. His current research mainly focuses on the institutional and economic dimension of groundwater management. Most of his research is conducted in France but he also works abroad (Morocco, Chile, Spain, California, Australia). He is currently developing new research activities in the field of natural disasters economics, focusing on the methods to assess eco-nomic vulnerability and resilience. Dr. Jean Daniel Rinaudo is also member of the Scientific Council of the Adour Garonne River basin agency and member of the JPI Water scientific advisory board.
2013 : Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) « Approches économiques de la gestion des eaux souterraines ». Ecole Doctorale Economie et Gestion (EDEG) de Montpellier.
2000 : Doctorat en économie de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand (CERDI). « Rentes, corruption et lobbying politique : obstacles aux réformes dans le secteur irrigué au Pakistan ». Sous la direction de Jean-Paul Azam. Mention très honorable avec félicitations du jury. Rapporteurs : J-P Platteau, D. Vande Walle
1994 : DEA économie du développement agricole, agroalimentaire et rural, Université Montpellier I et ENSAM. « Development of a tool to assess the impact of water markets on agricultural production in Pakistan». Lauréat du prix Xavier Bernard de l’Académie de l’Agriculture
1994 : Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier
Principaux projets en cours (coordinataion)
INCLUSIVE - Stakeholder-supported decision making for sustainable conjunctive management of soil and groundwater (coordinateur scientifique du projet)
Financeur: ANR / Belmont Forum
France, Californie, Taiwan Russie 2020-2023
Le projet se focalise sur la gestion quantitative des aquifères surexploités. Il vise à démontrer que des processus participatifs bien conçus peuvent permettre aux acteurs d’élaborer des règles de gestion quantitative socialement acceptées, susceptibles d’être respectées et de conduire à une gestion durable à long terme des eaux souterraines. Les règles de gestion envisagées combinent une gestion active de la recharge naturelle (solutions fondées sur la nature) et une régulation des prélèvements. Le Brgm est responsable de trois cas d’étude dans le bassin Adour Garonne. Il assure la coordination scientifique générale du projet.
goNEXUS - Innovative tools and solutions for governing the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change (coordination équipe brgm)
Financeur: Commission Européenne (H2020)
Sénégal, Espagne 2020-2023
GoNEXUS citizen science and ICT-based enhanced information systems for groundwater assessment, modelling and sustainable participatory management.vise à concevoir et évaluer des solutions innovantes pour une gouvernance coordonnée et durable des politiques de l’eau, de l’énergie, de l’alimentation et de protection des écosystèmes. Le projet s’appuie sur le couplage de modèles économiques, hydrologiques, énergétiques et environnementaux développés à l’échelle européenne et dans des bassins versants pilotes. Il s’intéresse en particuliers aux grands bassins transfrontaliers. Il mobilise également des approches participatives aux différentes échelles. Le Brgm intervient principalement sur cette composante participative dans les bassins du Sénégal et en Espagne. En courseGROUNDWATER -
eGROUNDWATER - Citizen science and ICT-based enhanced information systems for groundwater assessment, modelling and sustainable participatory management (responsable workpackage, coordination équipe Brgm)
Financeur: Fondation PRIMA Algérie, Maroc, Espagne 2020-2023
Le projet eGroundwater explore les possibilités offertes par les nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication pour une gestion durable des eaux souterraines. Il s’intéresse à la fois aux outils permettant d’améliorer l’information sur les ressources et les usages (capteurs, compteurs connectés, images satellite, drones, application smartphones) et aux approches permettant d’impliquer les usagers et plus largement les citoyens dans la production de ces informations (citizen science, crowd sourcing). Il est notamment prévu le développement et le test d’une application sur smartphone où les acteurs pourront à la fois entrer des données (par exemple concernant les niveaux d’eau) et obtenir de l’information en retour (par exemple sur la situation hydrologique ou sur les superficies plantées). Les cas d’étude sont situés au Maroc (province de Sefrou), en Algérie (région d’Adrar), en Espagne (région de Valence) et au Portugal (région d’Algarve). Le Brgm coordonne un WP et appuie ses partenaires au Maroc et en Algérie. https://egroundwater.com/
Encadrement de doctorant et jeunes chercheurs
ERC Marie Curie Fellow Dr. Josselin Rouillard. Mise en œuvre de démarches de prospective participative dans deux terrains d’étude en France : bassin du Clain (Poitiers) et nappes des SIM (Adour-Garonne). Analyse comparative des institutions mises en place pour la gestion des eaux souterraines en France, Espagne, Californie, Australie et Nouvelle Zélande
Joaquin Ameller (thèse soutenue le 17/11/2020). Titre : Optimisation économique d’un programme de redéveloppement de friches industrielles à l’échelle d’une métropole. Direction : JD Rinaudo, Université : Montpellier Sup Agro & Ecole Doctorale Economie et Gestion de Montpellier.
Corentin Girard (thèse soutenue le 22/12/2015). Titre : Integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches to design a cost-effective and equitable programme of measures for adaptation of a river basin to global change. Direction : JD Rinaudo & M. Pulido-Velazquez. Co-tutelle Université: Montpellier Sup Agro & Universitad Polytechnica de Valencia
Anne-Gaëlle Figureau (thèse soutenue le 28/05/2015). Titre : Conception et évaluation d’instruments de gestion de l’eau combinant incitations économiques et préférences sociales : cas des prélèvements en eau agricole. Direction : M. Montginoul (Irstea) & JD Rinaudo (Brgm). Université: Montpellier Sup Agro & Ecole Doctorale Economie et Gestion de Montpellier.
Publications :
Research papers / articles de rang A
Rouillard, J., Babbitt, C., Pulido‐Velazquez, M., & Rinaudo, J. (2021). Transitioning out of Open Access: a closer look at Institutions for Management of Groundwater Rights in France, California, and Spain. Water Resources Research, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020wr028951
Hérivaux C., Vinatier F., Sabir M., Guillot F., RINAUDO JD. (accepted, under revision). Combining foresight, local knowledge and land use change modelling to anticipate future soil erosion. Land Use Policy.
Rouillard J and RINAUDO J-D. (2020) From State to user-based water allocations: an empirical analysis of institutions developed by agricultural user associations in France. Agricultural Water Management. 239, 106269.
Maréchal J-C, Bouzit M, RINAUDO JD, Moiroux F. Desprats JF and Caballero C. (2020) Mapping economical suitability of managed aquifer 3 indirect recharge. Water.
Hérivaux C, RINAUDO JD, Montginoul M (2020) Is groundwater trading compatible with the French water Policy context? An empirical analysis in five case studies. Water Economics & Policy. Vol 06(1)
Ameller, J., RINAUDO, J. D., & Merly, C. (2020). The contribution of economic science to brownfield redevelopment: a review. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.
RINAUDO, J. D., & Donoso, G. (2018). State, market or community failure? Untangling the determinants of groundwater depletion in Copiapó (Chile). International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-21.
Faysse, N., Sellika, I. E., RINAUDO, J. D., & Errahj, M. (2017). Participatory scenario planning for sustainable irrigated agriculture when actors seldom communicate: an experiment in Morocco. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-19.
Petit, O, Kuper M, Lopez-Gunn E, RINAUDO JD, Daoudi A, Lejars C (2017) Can Agricultural Groundwater Economies collapse? An Inquiry into the Pathways of four Groundwater Economies Under Threat. Hydrogeology Journal.
Girard, C, JD RINAUDO, M. Pulido-Velazques (2016) Sharing the cost of river basin adaptation portfolios to climate change: insights from social justice and cooperative game theory. Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1002/2016WR018757
Richard-Ferroudji A., Faysse N., Bouzidi Z., R T.P. Menon and J-D RINAUDO (2016) The DIALAQ project on sustainable groundwater management: a transdisciplinary and transcultural approach to participatory foresight. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, pp. 56-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2016.06.002
RINAUDO JD, Calatrava J, Vernier de Byans M (2016) Tradable Water Saving Certificates to Improve Urban Water Use Efficiency: an ex-ante evaluation in a French case study. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Volume 60, Issue 3, pages 422–441. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8489.12132
Figureau A-G., Montginoul M. and RINAUDO J-D (2015) Policy instruments for decentralized management of agricultural groundwater abstraction: a participatory approach. Ecological Economics 119: 147-157. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.08.011
Girard C., RINAUDO, J.-D., and Pulido-Velazquez M. (2015) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis vs. Least-Cost River Basin Optimization Model: comparison in the selection of water demand and supply management measures at river basin scale. Water Resources Management, DOI 10.1007/s11269-015-1049-0
Girard C, Pulido-Velazquez M, RINAUDO J-D, and Caballero, Y, (2015), Integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches to design global change adaptation at the river basin scale, Global Environmental Change. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.07.002.
Girard, C., RINAUDO J-D, Pulido-Velazquez M., Caballero Y (2015). An interdisciplinary modelling framework for selecting adaptation measures at the river basin scale in a global change scenario. Environmental Modeling and Software (69), 42-54. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.02.023
Graveline N, Aunay B, Fusilier J, RINAUDO JD (2014) Coping with Urban & Agriculture Water Demand Uncertainty in Water Management Plan Design: the Interest of Participatory Scenario Analysis. Water Resources Management 28 (10): 3075-3093.
RINAUDO J-D and Aulong S (2014) Defining groundwater remediation objectives with cost-benefit analysis: does it work ? Water Resources management. 28(1) 261-278.
Faysse, N., RINAUDO, J.D., Bento, S., Richard-Ferroudji, A., Errahj, M., Varanda, M., Imache, A., Dionnet, M., Rollin, D., Garin, P., Kuper, M., Maton, L., Montginoul, M., (2014). Participatory analysis for adaptation to climate change in Mediterranean agricultural systems: possible choices in process design. Regional Environmental Change, 1-14.
RINAUDO, J.-D., Maton, L., Terrason, I., Chazot, S., Richard-Ferroudji, A., Caballero, Y (2013). Combining scenario workshops with modeling to assess future irrigation water demands. Agricultural Water Management 130, 103-112.
RINAUDO J.-D. (2013). Prévision à long terme de la demande en eau potable. Sciences Eaux et Territoires.
RINAUDO JD, Neverre N and Montginoul M (2012). Simulating the impact of pricing policies on urban water demand: a Southern France case study. Water Resources Management. 26: 2057-2068.
RINAUDO, J.-D., M. Montginoul, M. Varanda, and S. Bento. (2012). Envisioning innovative groundwater regulation policies through scenario workshops in France and Portugal. Irrigation and Drainage.
Graveline, N., S. Loubier, G. Gleyses, and J.-D. RINAUDO. (2012). Impact of farming on water resources: assessing uncertainty with Monte Carlo simulations in a global change context. Agricultural Systems.
Montginoul M and RINAUDO JD (2011). Controlling Households’ Drilling Fever in France: an economic modelling approach. Ecological Economics. Vol 71 : 140-150.
Graveline, N., L. Maton, H. Lückge, Josselin Rouillard, P. Strosser, K. Palkaniete, J.-D. RINAUDO, Didier Taverne, and E. Interwies. (2010). An operational perspective on potential uses and constraints of emerging tools for monitoring water quality. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 29:378-384.
Graveline N. et RINAUDO J-D. (2009). Constructing scenarios of agricultural diffuse pollution using an integrated hydro-economic modelling approach. European Water 17-18: 3-16. Available at: http://www.ewra.net/ew/pdf/EW_2007_17-18_01.pdf
RINAUDO J-D., Arnal C., Blanchin R., Elsass P., Mailhac A., Loubier S. (2005) Assessing the cost of groundwater pollution: the case of diffuse agricultural pollution in the Upper Rhine valley aquifer, Water Science and technology, Vol. 52 (9) - pp. 153-162.
RINAUDO.J-D., Garin.P. (2005) The benefits of combining lay and expert knowledge for water management planning at the watershed level., Water Policy, Vol 7, p. 279-293.
Loubier.S., RINAUDO.J-D., Garin.P., Boutet. A. (2005) Preparing public participation at the catchment level: comparison of three methodologies applied to the Hérault river basin, Water Science and technology, Vol. 52 (12) - pp. 33-41.
Montginoul.M., RINAUDO.J.D., Lunet Delajonquière.Y., Garin.P., Marchal J-P. (2005) Simulating the impact water pricing on household behaviour: the temptation of using untreated groundwater, Water Policy, Vol. 7, pp. 523-541.
Edited research books _ Edition d’ouvrages collectifs
RINAUDO JD., Holley, Montginoul, M and Barnett, S. (2020). Sustainable groundwater management: a comparative analysis of French and Australian policies and implications to other countries. Accepted for publication in Springer series “Global issues in Water policy”.
Jakeman A, Barreteau, O, Hunt R, RINAUDO JD and Ross A, editors. (2016). Integrated groundwater management. Springer. (29 chapters; 4 co-authored). Accessible http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9 (open access )
Grafton Q., Daniell K., Nauges C., RINAUDO JD & Wai C., editors (2015) Understanding and Managing Urban water in transition. Springer. (34 chapters, 4 co-authored). http://www.springer.com/us/book/9789401798006
Book chapters – Chapitres d’ouvrages
Holley C., RINAUDO JD, Barnett S and Montginoul M (2020) Sustainable Groundwater Management in France and Australia: Setting Extraction Limits, Allocating Rights and Reallocation. In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 1
RINAUDO JD (2020) Groundwater Policy in France: From Private to Collective Management. In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 3.
RINAUDO JD, Marchet P, Billault P (2020) Groundwater Management Planning at the River Basin District Level: Comparative Analysis of the Adour-Garonne and Loire-Bretagne River Basins. In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 4
Sharple J, Carrara E, Preece L., Chery L., Lopez B. and RINAUDO JD (2020) Information Systems for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Extraction in France and Australia. In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 9.
Lecointe P. Nuttinck V and RINAUDO JD (2020). A Tool to Determine Annual Ground-Water Allocations in the Tarn-et-Garonne Alluvial Aquifer (France). In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 13.
Montginoul M, RINAUDO JD and Alcouffe C. Compliance and Enforcement: The Achilles Heel of French Water Policy (2020) In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 23.
Donoso G. Lictevout E and RINAUDO JD. (2020). Groundwater Management Lessons from Chile. In RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 25.
RINAUDO JD, Barnett S and Holley C. (2020) Changing from Unrestricted Access to Sustainable Abstraction Management Regimes: Lessons Learnt from France and Australia. In: RINAUDO et al (eds.). Chapter 27.
Herivaux C., and RINAUDO JD (2016) Integrated assessment of economic benefits of groundwater improvement with contingent valuation, in: Jakeman et al. Integrated groundwater management. Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9
Montginoul M, RINAUDO JD, Brozovicz N and Donoso G (2016) Controlling groundwater exploitation through economic instruments: current practices challenges and innovative approaches, in: Jakeman et al. Integrated groundwater management. Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9
RINAUDO JD, Moreau C, Garin P (2016) Social Justice and Groundwater Allocation in Agriculture: A French case stud, in: Jakeman et al. Integrated groundwater management. Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9
Barreteau O, Caballero Y, Hamilton S, Jakeman A, RINAUDO JD (2016) Disentangling the complexity of groundwater dependent socio-ecological systems in: Jakeman et al. Integrated groundwater management. Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9
Jakeman A J, Barreteau O, Hunt R, RINAUDO JD, Ross A, Arshad M and Hamilton S (2016) Integrated groundwater management: an overview of concepts and challenges. in: Jakeman et al. Integrated groundwater management. Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9
Daniell K, RINAUDO JD, Wai Wah Chan N, Nauges C. & Grafton Q. (2015) Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. In Grafton et al. Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Springer. Pp 1-30.
RINAUDO JD, Montginoul M & Desprats JF (2015) The Development of Private Bore-Wells as Independent Water Supplies: Challenges for Water Utilities in France and Australia. In Grafton et al. Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Springer. Pp 155-174.
RINAUDO JD, Barraqué B (2015) Inter-Basin Transfers as a Supply Option: The End of an Era? . In Grafton et al. Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Springer. Pp 175-200.
RINAUDO JD (2015) Long-Term Water Demand Forecasting. Understanding and Managing Urban Water in Transition. Springer. Pp 239-268
RINAUDO JD (2008) Power, Bribery and Water Division in Canal Irrigation Systems in Pakistan. In : Transparency International. Global Corruption Report 2008 Corruption in the Water Sector. Cambridge. pp 77-79
Aledo Tur, A, Ortiz Noguera, G, Jeffrey, P, Gearey, M, RINAUDO, J-D, Loubier, S, Veljanouski, T and Ravbar, N (2006) Socio-cultural influences on water utilisation: a comparative analysis In: Koundouri, P., Karousakis, K., Assimacopoulous, D. and Jeffrey, P., eds. Water management in arid and semi arid regions: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Elgar, Aldershot, UK, pp. 201-225. ISBN 1845424239
RINAUDO J.D., Tahir.Z. (2003) The political economy of institutional reforms in Pakistan's irrigation sector, in: The economics of water management in developing countries, Koundouri.P., Pashardes.P., Swanson.T., Xapapadeas.A. (eds), Edward Elgar: Cheltenham (UK), Northampton (MA - USA), p. 41-57.