Infos de contact
- Hydrogéologie
- Hydrochimie
- Qualité d'eau
- Traceurs environnementaux
S. Tweed est une chercheuse en hydrogéologie, spécialisé dans l’utilisation des traceurs environnementaux pour étudier les processus hydro(géo)logiques, avec des applications pour la protection des ressources en eaux en termes de qualité et de quantité. Ses recherches se sont déclinées sur plusieurs types d’hydrosystèmes (aquifères poreux et fracturés, rivières, lacs) dans une variété de contextes climatiques (tempéré, semi-aride, aride et tropical sec et humide) avec des enjeux portant sur la quantité et la qualité des ressources en eau. Ses recherches ont également porté sur plusieurs composantes du cycle de l'eau : recharge et décharge des aquifères, voies de circulation souterraines, et interactions entre les eaux souterraines et les eaux de surface. Depuis 1998, elle utilise l'hydrochimie comme méthode pour étudier les ressources en eau en Australie, au Sénégal, au Maroc, en France, au Cambodge et au Vietnam.
nov-2014 HDR, Hydrologie, Université de Montpellier II (France).
1999-2003 Doctorat, Hydrogéologie, Université de Melbourne (Australie).
En cours : Laïna Pérotin. Titre : Caractérisation de la recharge et évaluation de la ressource en eau souterraine par les gaz dissous.
Soumise 2021 : Houssne Bouimouass. Titre : Groundwater recharge in the mountain-front of the High-Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
Soumise 2020 : Honoré Houemenou. Titre : Evolution de la qualité des eaux souterraines et de surface dans la métropole de Cotonou (Bénin) et risques sanitaires.
Soumise 2015 : Hong Shen. Titre : GRACE and groundwater over-exploitation.
1- Articles
Houéménou H., Gauthier P., Houéménou G, Mama D, Alassane A, Socohou A., Dossou H-J., Badou S, Picardeau M, Tweed S., Leblanc M., and Dobigny G. 2021. Pathogenic Leptospira and water quality in African cities: a case study of Cotonou, Benin. Science of the Total Environment, 774, 145541.
Tweed S., Massuel S., Chhuon K., Lun S., Billaud G., Venot JP, Leblanc M. 2020. Groundwater pumping for irrigation and its connections to the arsenic crisis in the Cambodian Mekong Delta. Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 728, 138598.
Houéménou H., Tweed S., Dobigny G., Mama D., Alassane A., Silmer R., Babic M. Ruy S., Chaigneau A., Gauthier P., Socohou A., Dossou H-J., Badou S., Leblanc M. 2020. Degradation of groundwater quality in expanding cities in West Africa. A case study of the unregulated shallow aquifer in Cotonou. Journal of Hydrology. Vol. 582, 124438.
Bouimouass H., Fakir Y., Tweed, S, Leblanc M. 2019. Groundwater recharge sources in semiarid irrigated mountain-fronts. Hydrological Processes. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13685
Tweed S., Celle-Jeanton H., Cabot L., Huneau F., De Montety V., Nicolau N., Travi Y., Babic M., Aquilina L., Vergnaud-Ayraud V., Leblanc M. 2018. Impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater resources in a temperate humid region. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 613–614, 1302-1316.
Ngom F.D., Tweed S., Bader J.-C., Saos J.-L., Malou R., Leblanc M. 2016. Rapid evolution of water resources in the Senegal delta. Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 144, 34–47.
Tweed S., Munksgaard N., Marc V., Rockett N., Bass A., Forsythe A.J., Bird M.I., Leblanc M. 2016. Continuous monitoring of stream d18O and d2H and stormflow hydrograph separation using laser spectrometry in an agricultural catchment. Hydrological Processes Vol. 30(4), 648–660.
Tweed S., Leblanc M., Bass A., Harrington G.A., Munksgaard N., Bird M.I. 2016. Leaky savannas: the significance of lateral carbon fluxes in the seasonal tropics. Hydrological Processes Vol. 30(6), 873–887.
Shen, H., Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., Liu, W. 2014. Groundwater depletion in the Hai River Basin from in situ and GRACE observations. Hydrological Sciences Journal. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2014.916406
Bass, A., O’Grady, D., Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., Nelson, P., and Bird, M. 2014. Carbon dioxide and methane emissions from a wet-dry tropical floodplain in northern Australia. Wetlands, 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-014-0522-5
Bass, A., Munksgaard, N., Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., and Bird, M. 2014. Contrasting carbon export dynamics of human impacted and pristine tropical catchments in response to a short-lived discharge event. Hydrological Processes, 28, 1835–1843. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9716.
Bass, A., O’Grady, D., Berkin, C., Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., Nelson, P., and Bird, M. 2013. High diurnal variation in dissolved inorganic C, δ13C values and surface efflux of CO2 in a seasonal tropical floodplain, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 11(4), 399 - 405.
Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., Van Dijk, A., Timbal, B., 2012. A review of historic and future hydrological changes in the Murray-Darling Basin. Global and Planetary Change 80-81, 226-246.
Cartwright, I., Weaver, T.R., Cendón, D.I., Fifielde, L.K., Tweed, S.O., Petrides B., Swane, I. 2012. Constraining groundwater flow, residence times, inter-aquifer mixing, and aquifer properties using environmental isotopes in the southeast Murray Basin, Australia. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 1698-1709. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.02.006
Tweed, S., Grace, M., Leblanc, M., Cartwright, I., Smithyman, D. 2011. The individual response of saline lakes to a severe drought. Science of the Total Environment 409, 3919-3933
Tweed, S., Leblanc, M., Cartwright, I., Favreau, G., Leduc, C., 2011. Arid zone groundwater recharge and salinisation processes; an example from the Lake Eyre Basin, Australia, Journal of Hydrology, 408, 257-275.
Frappart, F., Ramillien, G., Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., Bonnet, M.-P., Maisongrande, P., 2011. An independent component analysis filtering approach for estimating continental hydrology in the GRACE gravity data. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(1), 187-204.
Leblanc, M., Lemoalle, J., Bader, J.-C., Tweed, S., Mofor, L. 2011. Thermal remote sensing of water under flooded vegetation: New observations of inundation patterns for the ‘Small’ Lake Chad. Journal of Hydrology 404, 87–98.
Tweed, S., Leblanc, M., Cartwright, I., 2009. Groundwater–surface water interaction and the impact of a multi-year drought on lakes conditions in South-East Australia. Journal of Hydrology 379 (1-2), 41-53.
Leblanc, M., Tregoning, P., Ramillien, G., Tweed, S.O., Fakes, A., 2009. Basin-scale, integrated observations of the early 21st century multiyear drought in southeast Australia, Water Resources Research 45 (4), art. no. W04408. DOI :10.1029/2008WR007333.
Tweed, S.O., Leblanc, M., Cartwright, I., 2009. Groundwater–surface water interaction and the impact of a multi-year drought on lakes conditions in South-East Australia. Journal of Hydrology 379 (1-2), 41-53. DOI :10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.043.
Leblanc, M., Favreau, G., Massuel, S., Tweed, S., Loireau, M., Cappelare, B., 2008. Land clearance and hydrological change in the Sahel. Global and Planetary Change 61 (3-4), 135-150.
Ley-Cooper Y., Macnae J., Tweed S. 2008. Estimating subsurface porosity and salt loads using airborne geophysical data. Near Surface Geophysics 6(1); 31-37.
Leblanc, M., Favreau, G., Tweed, S., Leduc, C., Razack, M., Mofor, L., 2007. Remote sensing for groundwater modelling in large semiarid areas : Lake Chad Basin, Africa. Hydrogeology Journal 15(1), 97-100.
Tweed, S., Leblanc, M., Webb, J., Lubczynski, M., 2007. Remote sensing and GIS for mapping groundwater recharge and discharge areas in salinity prone catchments, southeastern Australia. Hydrogeology Journal 15, 75-96.
Tweed S.O., Weaver T.R., Cartwright I., Schaefer, B., 2006. Behaviour of rare earth elements in groundwater during flow and mixing in fractured rock aquifers. An example from the Dandenong Ranges, southeast Australia. Chemical Geology 234; 291-307.
Weaver, T.R., Cartwright, I., Tweed, S., Ahearne, D., Cooper, M., Czapnik, K., Tranter, J., 2006. Controls on chemistry during fracture-hosted flow of cold CO2-bearing minerals, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia: implications for resource protection. Applied Geochemistry 21(2); 289-304.
Tweed S.O., Weaver T.R., Cartwright I., 2005. Distinguishing groundwater flow paths in different fractured-rock aquifers using groundwater chemistry: Dandenong Ranges, southeast Australia. Hydrogeology Journal 13(5-6); 771-786.
Cartwright I., Weaver T., Tweed S., Ahearne D., Cooper M., Czapnik K., Tranter J., 2002. Stable isotope geochemistry of cold CO2-bearing mineral spring waters, Daylesford, Victoria, Australia: sources of gas and water and links with waning volcanism. Chemical Geology, 185, 71-91.
Cartwright I., Weaver T., Tweed S., Ahearne D., Cooper M., Czapnik C., Tranter J. 2000. O, H, C isotope geochemistry of carbonated mineral springs in central Victoria, Australia: sources of gas and water-rock interaction during dying basaltic volcanism. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 69-70, 257-261.
2- Chapitres d’ouvrages
Tweed S., Leblanc M., Cartwright I., Bass A., Travi Y., Marc V., Nguyen Bach T., Dang Duc N., Massuel S., Saravana Kumar U. 2019. Stable Isotopes of Water in Hydrogeology. Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society (ISBN: 9781119300762). Publisher John Wiley & Sons Ltd. https://wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119300762
Leblanc, M., Van Dijk, A., Tweed, S., Timbal, B., 2012. The Murray-Darling Basin: a food bowl in crisis. The United Nations World Water Development Report 4. Case Study Volume. UNESCO, Earthscan, Paris.
Koncagul, E., Leblanc, M., Van Dijk, A., Tweed, S., Timbal, B., 2012. The Murray-Darling Basin: executive summary. The United Nations World Water Development Report 4. UNESCO, Earthscan, Paris.
Leblanc, M., Tweed, S., Frappart, F., Ramillien, G., Van Dijk, A., 2011. GRACE and groundwater drought in the Murray-Darling Basin. In: Treidel, H., Martin-Bordes, J. L., Gurdak, J.J. (Eds.), Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources: A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations. IAH – International Contributions to Hydrogeology (27), CRC Press, 414p. (ISBN: 9780415689366)
Cartwright, I., Weaver, T.R., Tweed, S.O., 2008. Integrating Physical Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry, and Environmental Isotopes to Constrain Regional Groundwater Flow: Southern Riverine Province, Murray Basin, Australia. IAH Special Publication “Groundwater Flow Understanding: From Local to Regional Scale”. Eds: J Joel Carrillo Rivera and M Adrian Ortega Guerrero. SP: Selected Papers on Hydrogeology. Balkema. Invited Publication. 200 pages, ISBN: 978 0 415 43678 6