Venot Jean-Philippe

Infos de contact

Venot Jean-Philippe
04 67 16 64 78
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INRAE - IRD - 361, rue JF Breton - B.P. 5095 - 34196 Montpelier cedex 5
Socio-Hydro - Dynamiques Socio-Hydrologiques des territoires de l'eau
  • Géographie Humaine/ Human Geography
  • Anthropologie du Développement/ Anthropology of Development
  • Etudes des Sciences et Techniques/ Science and Technology Studies
  • Political Ecology/ Political Ecology
Jean-Philippe Venot a un profil de recherche interdisciplinaire alliant une formation de base en sciences agronomiques, une thèse en géographie humaine et des activités de recherche conjuguant anthropologie du développement, études des sciences et techniques, et political ecology. Ces recherches ont pour objet la gouvernance de l’eau et de l’irrigation; une thématique abordée via le prisme des pratiques de politiques publiques, modalités d’intervention du développement (e.g. projets), dispositifs sociotechniques et infrastructures de l’eau dans les mondes en Développement (et notamment en Afrique au Sud du Sahara et Asie du Sud-Est). Ces recherches portent une attenton particulière aux enjeux d’exclusion y compris dans le cadre de démarches participatives mobilisant des ‘jeux serieux’ visant à promouvoir et concrétiser la notion de justice environnementale.
Jean-Philippe Venot has an interdisciplinary research profile, bringing together an initial training (Msc. Eng.) in agronomic science, a PhD in Human Geography, and research activities coupling anthropology of development, science and technology studies, and political ecology. His research on irrigation and water governance “in the making” centers on the daily practices and on-going negotiations that shape public policies and development projects, sociotechnical systems, and water infrastructure in different regions of the world, notably sub-Saharan Africa and south-East Asia. He is particularly attentive to issues of exclusion notably in the co-development of participatory approaches using serious games dealing and promoting envionmental justice.
2008 - Thèse en géographie Humaine (Université de Paris X-Nanterre)

2004 - DEA Environnement Milieux Techniques et Société (AgroParisTech/MNHN/Université Paris 7)

2004 – Diplome d’ingénieur agronome (AgroParisTech)


Wanvoeke, Jonas (2015). Low cost drip irrigation in Burkina Faso: Unravelling Actors, Networks and Practices. Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS).

Ivars, Benoit (En cours). People, Water technologies and Hydrosocial changes in the Irrawady delta (Myanmar): getting the rhythm right. Thèse en Anthropologie sociale, à l’université de Cologne, Allemagne.

Orieshnig, Christina (en cours). Hydrologie et services écosystémiques d’infrastructure de contrôle de l’eau dans le haut delta du Mékong au Cambodge (AgroParisTech, Ecole doctorale GAIA).


  1. Articles

Ivars, B.; Gruel, C.; Ngone Oo, T.; and Venot JP. (2021) Slippery land, ever-shifting boundaries: claiming and accessing alluvial (is)lands in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, Journal of Political Ecology 28(1). p.146-174

Ivars, B.; Venot, JP. (2020). Claiming and re-claiming the Ayeyarwady Delta, time and again: the case of Nyaungdone Island, Myanmar. Journal of Political Ecology 27(1): 517-538.

Vos, J.; Boelens, R. ; Venot, JP. and Kuper, M. (2020). Rooted water collectives: Towards an analytical framework. Ecological Economics 173 (2020).

Veldwisch, GJ; Venot, JP.; Woodhouse, P.; Komakech, H. and Brockington, D. (2019). Re-introducing politics in African farmer-led irrigation development: Introduction to a Special Issue. Water Alternatives 12(1): 1-12.

Ivars, B. and Venot, JP. (2018). Entre politiques publiques et matérialité: associations d’usagers et infrastructures d’irrigation au Cambodge. Natures Sciences Sociétés 26 (4) : 383-394.

Woodhouse, P.; Veldwish, GJ.; Venot, JP.; Brockington, D.; Komakech, H. and Manjichi, A. (2017). African farmer-led irrigation development: re-framing agricultural policy and investment? The Journal of Peasant Studies 44(1) 213-233.

Venot, JP. (2016). A success of some sort: drip irrigation Social Enterprises and Drip Irrigation in the Developing World. World Development 79: 69–81.

Daré, W’s.; Venot, JP. (2016). Dynamiques des postures de chercheurs-engagés. Retour sur la participation dans les politiques de l’eau au Burkina Faso. Anthropologie & Développement 44 : 149-178.

Wanvoeke, J.; Venot, JP.; de Fraiture, C. and Zwarteveen, M. (2016). Smallholder Drip Irrigation in Burkina Faso: The Role of Development Brokers. The Journal of Development Studies 52:7, 1019-1033.

Venot JP; Torou BM.; Daré W. (2014). Territorialisation ou spatialisation : les agences et comités locaux de l'eau au Burkina Faso. Espace Géographique 43 (2), p. 148-163

Venot, JP.; Zwarteveen, M.; Kuper, M.; Boesveld, H.; Bossenbroek, L.; van der Kooij, S.; Wanvoeke, J.; Benouniche, M.; Errahj, M.; de Fraiture, C. and Verma. S. (2014). Beyond the promises of technology: A review of the discourses and actors who make drop irrigation. Irrigation and Drainage. 63(2): 186-194.

Cherlet, J.; Venot, JP. (2013). Structure and agency: Understanding water policy change in West Africa. Water Policy 15 (3): 479–495

Venot, JP.; Hirvonen, M. (2013). Enduring Controversy: Small Reservoirs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Society and Natural Resources 26(8):883-897

Venot, JP.; Clement, F. (2013). Justice and development in the rural South: Towards a new understanding of water projects and reforms. Natural Resources Forum 37 (2013) 19–30

Venot, JP.; Bharati, L.; Giordano, M. and Molle, F. (2011) Beyond water, beyond boundaries: Spaces of water management in the Krishna river basin, South India. The Geographical Journal 177 (2):160–170.

Venot, JP.; Andreini, N.; Pinkstaff, CB. (2011). Planning and corrupting water resources development: The case of small reservoirs in Ghana. Water Alternatives 4(3): 399-423.

Venot, JP. (2009). Échelle(s) commune(s) ou échelles multiples ? Pour une gouvernance démocratique des ressources naturelles: les zones humides en Inde. VertigO 9(1):1-10.

Venot, JP.; Molle, F. (2008). Groundwater depletion in the Jordan highlands: can pricing policies regulate irrigation water use? Water Resource Management 22(12): 1925 – 1941.

Molle, F.; Venot, JP. and Hassan, Y. (2008). Irrigation in the Jordan valley: are water pricing policies overoptimistic? Agricultural Water Management 95 (4): 427-438.

  1. Ouvrages collectifs et numéros spéciaux (Editeur)

Veldwish GJ. (ed.); Venot, JP. (ed.) and Komakech, H(ed.). (2018). Farmer-led irrigation development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investment, policy engagements & agrarian transformation. Water Alternatives 12(1).

Venot, JP. (ed.); Kuper, M. (ed.); Zwarteveen, M. (eds.) (2017) Drip irrigation for Agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge; Abingdon & New York. 358 pages.

Venot, JP. (ed.); Veldwisch GJ. (ed.). (2017). Mythes sociotechniques et développement, Anthropologie et Développement 46-47. 282 pages.

Venot JP. (ed.); Krishnan, J. (ed.). (2011). Policies, politics and realities of small irrigation dams in the rural South” Water Alternatives 4(3).

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