Children categories

Communauté de pratiques
The "Communauté de Pratiques" brings together researchers / PhD students and professional facilitators, who promote interactive sessions with civil society to test and discuss their participatory approach, the problems they encounter implementing such approaches, and the operational methods they use.
LISODE, a cooperative specialized in consultation engineering, is the main organizer of these seminars.
Visit the "Communauté de Pratiques" web site:
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IM2E seminars – social sciences
IM2E – social sciences is a seminar on interdisciplinary dialogue which deals with the approaches used in human and social sciences… A well-known external speaker presents his work, after which, team work in the same sector is discussed.
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MATHEO seminars
This seminar, co-organized with IM2E, presents approaches, tools and mathematical methods, and models that can be used in water management.
As far as possible, the speaker is an outside expert and covers the following points:
- the approach, the tool or the method in the form of an introductory course
- the expert’s own research
- one or more examples of applications
Format: 45 min. of presentation and 45 min of discussion.
Frequency: 1 seminar per month.
Location: Salle Mosson, Irstea - 361 rue Jean-François Breton, Montpellier.
Contacts: Bruno Bonte, and Katrin Erdlenbruch,

Vendredis Découverte
The challenge of the « Vendredis Découverte » is to present the research, studies, projects, theses, post docs, and internships undertaken at the joint research unit in a way that is accessible to the general public. Fifteen to 20 minute presentations inform the audience about the aims of the action, the participants and the methods. The aim of the debate that follows is to create a desire to continue the exchanges after the event..
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