Involvement of the joint research unit ‘UMR G-EAU’ in training-through-research

The multidisciplinary position of the joint research unit G-EAU and our respect for a wide range of the disciplines, especially for young researchers, has made us a host laboratory for students at 4 graduate schools:

    • ED 584 « Life and Environment Sciences and Technologies » (GAIA, University of Montpellier), was created in September 2015, through the fusion of two graduate schools, SIBAGHE (Integrated Systems in Biology, Agronomy, Geoscience, Hydroscience and Environment; N°477) and SPSA (Processes Sciences and Food Sciences; N° 306);
    • ED 231 « Economy and Management » (EDEG, University of Montpellier);
    • ED 353 « Engineering : Mechanics, Physics, Micro- and Nano-electronics » (University of Aix-Marseille);
    • ED 435 « Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environments and Health » (ABIES, AgroParisTech, Paris) agronomy and theses at disciplinary interfaces.
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