Vendredi découverte - Institutions and the everyday politics of water governance - Luke Whaley

Vendredi 17 Mars 2023 à 11h, Luke Whaley présentera ses travaux intitulés "Institutions and the everyday politics of water governance"
La présentation aura lieu à la fois en présentiel sur le campus de l'Institut Agro La Gaillarde (Salle 215 - Bât. 11) et en distanciel via le lien suivant :
Résumé :
Institutions are central to understanding how water is governed, managed, accessed and used. Yet exactly what institutions are and how they function differs according to the theoretical lens through which you view them. In this talk I discuss the approach I take, called ‘critical institutionalism’. Firstly, I will outline the emergence of critical institutionalism as a school of thought. Then I will consider it in the context of my own work on water governance – including research in Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda, and the UK. I finish by reflecting on future directions for critical institutionalism, which I hope to contribute to as a new IRD researcher at G-EAU.
Venez nombreux !