Séminaire PRECOS - Pathways for Sustainable Land Use and Food Systems Dr. Odirilwe SELOMANE, CEEPA, University of Pretoria

Séminaire PRECOS
jeudi 26 septembre 2024 10:00
A la fois en présentiel en salle de réunion à Hortus, Site Hydropolis Lavalette, 361 rue JF Breton, BP 5095, 34196 Montpellier cedex 5 et en distanciel via le lien ci-après :

Jeudi 26/09/2024 à 10h

Pathways for Sustainable Land Use and Food Systems, 

Dr. Odirilwe SELOMANE, CEEPA, University of Pretoria

En présentiel salle de réunion à Hortus

Pour la participation en visio : Cliquez ici pour participer � la r�union.


South Africa, like many other countries, grapples with balancing commitments to various policy goals, from domestic development objectives to international agreements such as the Global Biodiversity Framework or the Paris Agreement. Balancing these goals can produce trade-offs and synergies depending on how these are implemented.  It is therefore important to develop tools and approaches that make it possible to evaluate the areas of tension and synergy between various policy decisions and desired targets. I will present an example of such a tool, the FABLE calculator, and how we have used it in the past and continue to use it to understand the impacts of food systems on biodiversity, climate change, water resources and land use.

Odirilwe Selomane

I am a senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria, in the department of Agricultural Economics, Extension, and Rural Development. I currently work on several projects focusing on various aspects of sustainability. The first ( part of the FABLE consortium) investigates the impacts of the food system on land use, biodiversity, water, and climate change. The second develops metrics to monitor sustainability using the strong sustainability approach (part of the ESGAP project ). The third project, Future Ecosystems for Africa (FEFA) uses ecological modeling, futures thinking, and understanding nature finance flows to support decision making on the African continent. Here my  main focus is on understanding nature finance and innovative tools for financing biodiversity conservation. The BridgingVALUES project aims to inform conservation policies and practices towards more equitable and effective governance. I am currently a coordinating lead author on the Nexus Assessment of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). I have academic backgrounds in Agricultural Economics (BSc, University of Limpopo), Environmental Economics (MSc, Wageningen University), and Conservation Ecology (PhD, Stellenbosch University), and have done a postdoc at the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden. 

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