Governance and Public Action (GPA) - !!!! Provisional content !!!!

This team comprises seven researchers and three PhD students. The domains they cover are political science, water management, sociology and geography.

The knowledge and practices linked to water resources, the methods of governance and regulation of uses, are undergoing major restructuring that has to be understood and compared because they already have - or may have - unexpected impacts on the environment. The team tackles these issues through the analysis of controversies and existing public water policies.


The team is actively involved in four main study areas:

  • Southern Africa: South Africa and Mozambique.

  • South-East Asia: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand

  • France.  All the team members are - and will be - involved in different projects (at regional scale and/or sub-regional scale)

  • North Africa: Morocco: national scale projects, Saïss, Tensift/Marrakech, Tadla; Tunisia: national level, the Merguellil wadi

Finally, the team is also interested in South American territories through completed projects and ongoing projects in Brazil, for example.


The main themes and projects under study are:

  • Knowledge, controversies and the problem of pollution

  • Governance, national and local water policies

  • Effects of state reforms

  • Police / Justice

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