Contact Info
- Institutions et gouvernance de l’eau
- Evaluation des politiques publiques européennes environnementales
- Appui processus participatif dans la gestion de l’eau
J. Rouillard est chercheur associé à G-Eau et travaille pour Ecologic Institute Berlin en tant que Senior Fellow. Il travaille sur l’évaluation et la mise en œuvre des politiques européennes de l'eau (notamment la mise en œuvre de la directive-cadre sur l'eau), en particulier les liens entre gestion de l’eau et l’agriculture. Ses travaux de recherche s'appuient sur les théories de l'action collective, les sciences politiques et l’économie institutionnelle. Il est membre du Centre thématique européen sur l’eau (ETC-ICM) et du Centre thématique européen sur les systèmes urbains, terrestres et pédologiques (ETC-ULS).
Entre 2018 et 2020, Josselin était en détachement au Service géologique français (Brgm) dans le cadre d'une bourse individuelle Marie-Skłodowska sur la gestion durable des eaux souterraines. Avant de rejoindre l'Ecologic Institute, Josselin Rouillard était chercheur associé à l'école de géosciences de l'université d'Edimbourg et au centre IHP-HELP Water Law, Policy and Science de l'université de Dundee. Il a également travaillé pour le Centre d'Écologie et d'Hydrologie (GB), en tant que consultant en environnement pour Europe-Planet Earth et pour ACTeon, et en tant que stagiaire pour le Bureau Européen de l'Environnement à Bruxelles.
2012 : Doctorat en gestion des systèmes environnementaux, de l’université de Dundee, GB : “Adaptive water governance: flood management and the policy process in Scotland”
2005 : Master « Environmental Change and Management », de l’université de Oxford, GB
2004 : Bachelor en science de l’environnement, de l’université de Reading, GB
- Articles
Rouillard, J., Neverre, N., Rinaudo, JD. (Accepted). Initiating collective action for the management of deep, large scale confined aquifer systems: a participatory scenario analysis approach. Hydrogeology journal
Rouillard, J., Babbitt, C., Rinaudo, JD, Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2021). Water rights, institutions and groundwater management in California, France and Spain: a comparative assessment of the involvement of users in allocation decisions. Water resources research
Rouillard, J., Rinaudo, JD. (2020). From State to user-based water allocations: an empirical analysis of institutions developed by agricultural user associations in France. Agricultural Water Management 239: 106269.
Carvalho, L., et al. (2019). Protecting and restoring Europe’s waters: current state and future evolution of the Water Framework Directive. Science of the Total Environment, 658, 1228-1238.
Lago, M., Boteler, B., Rouillard, J., et al. (2019). Introducing the H2020 AQUACROSS project: knowledge, assessment, and management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU policies. Science of the Total Environment, 652, 320-329.
Anzaldua, G. et al. (2018). Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: the DESSIN ESS Evaluation Framework. Ecosystem Services, online.
Rouillard, J., Lago, M., Roeschel, L., Abhold, K., Kafyeke, T., Klimmek, H., Mattheiß, V. (2018). Protecting and restoring aquatic biodiversity: Is the existing EU policy framework fit for purpose? Environmental Policy and Governance, online.
Rouillard, J., Lago, M., Abhold, K., Roeschel, L., Kafyeke, T., Mattheiß, V., Klimmek, H. (2018). Protecting aquatic biodiversity in Europe: how much do EU environmental policies support ecosystem-based management. Ambio 47(1), 15-24.
Gain, A.K., Benson, D., Rahman, R., Mirza, M.M., Datta, D.K., Rouillard, J. (2017). Tidal river management in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta: move towards transdisciplinary approach. Environmental Science and Policy, 75, 111-120.
Rouillard, J., Vidaurre, R., Brouwer, S., Damman, S., Antorán Ponce, A., 4, Gerner, N.V., Riegels, N., Termes, M. (2016). Governance Regime Factors Conducive to Innovation Uptake in Urban Water Management: Experiences from Europe. Water, 8, 477.
Rouillard, J., & Spray, C. (2016). Working across scales in integrated catchment management: lessons learned for adaptive water governance from regional experiences. Regional Environmental Change, 17(7), 1869-1880.
Rouillard, J., Ball, T., Heal, K.V., & Reeves, A.D. (2015). Policy implementation of catchment-scale flood risk management: learning from Scotland and England. Environmental Science and policy, 50 (2015): 155-165.
Benson, D., Gain, A. K., & Rouillard, J. (2015). Water Governance in a Comparative Perspective: From IWRM to a 'Nexus' Approach? Water Alternatives, 8(1), 756-773.
Holstead, K. L., Kenyon, W., Rouillard, J., Hopkins, J., & Galán‐Díaz, C. (2015). Natural flood management from the farmer's perspective: criteria that affect uptake. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 10(2), 205-218.
Rouillard, J., Reeves, A.D., Heal, K.V., & Ball, T. (2014). The role of public participation in encouraging changes in rural land use to reduce flood risk. Land Use Policy, 38, 637–645.
Rouillard, J., Benson, D., & Gain, A. K. (2014). Evaluating IWRM implementation success: are water policies in Bangladesh enhancing adaptive capacity to climate change impacts? International Journal of Water Resources Development, 5(4), 11.
Rouillard, J., Heal, K.V., Ball, T., & Reeves, A.D. (2013). Policy integration for adaptive water governance: Learning from Scotland’s experience. Environmental Science and Policy, 33, 378-387.
Gain, A.K., Rouillard, J., & Benson, D. (2013). Can integrated water resource management increase adaptive capacity to climate change impacts? A critical review. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 5, 11-20.
Rouillard, J., Heal, K.V., Reeves, A.D., & Ball, T. (2012). The impact of institutions on flood policy learning. Water Policy, 14, 232-249.
Spray, C., Ball, T., & Rouillard, J. (2010). Bridging the water law, policy, science interface: flood risk management in Scotland. Journal of Water Law, 20, 165-174.
- Chapitres d’ouvrages
Rouillard, J. (2020). Tracing the Impact of Agricultural Policies on Irrigation Water Demand and Groundwater Extraction in France. In “Sustainable groundwater management: a comparative analysis of French and Australian policy and implications to other countries”, Rinaudo, JD., Holley, C., Montginoul, M, Barnett, S. (Eds). Springer.
Maréchal, JC., Rouillard, J. (2020). Groundwater in France: resources, use and management issues. In “Sustainable groundwater management: a comparative analysis of French and Australian policy and implications to other countries”, Rinaudo, JD., Holley, C., Montginoul, M, Barnett, S. (Eds). Springer.
Benson, D., Gain, A.K., Rouillard, J., Guipponi, C. (2017) ‘Governing for the nexus: empirical, theoretical and normative perspectives’. In P.A. Salam et al. (eds.) Water-Energy-Food Nexus: theories and practices. AGU-Wiley, pp77-88.
Graveline, N., Maton, L., Lückge, H., Rouillard, J., et al. (2009). Potential use of screening methods and emerging tools for water quality monitoring: an operational perspective. In Gonzalez C and Quevauviller P (Eds) Rapid Chemical And Biological Techniques For Water Monitoring, Wiley & Son.
- Rapports techniques
Study of the impacts of pressures on groundwater in Europe. Sponsor: EEA
Psomas, A., et al., 2021a, Comparative study on quantitative and chemical status of groundwater bodies. Study of the impacts of pressures on groundwater in Europe, Service Contract No 3415/B2020/EEA.58185. pp. 39.
Psomas, A., et al., 2021b. Analysis of groundwater associated aquatic ecosystems (GWAAEs) and groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTEs). Study of the impacts of pressures on groundwater in Europe, Service Contract No 3415/B2020/EEA.58185. pp. 31.
Rouillard, J. et al., 2021. Overview of groundwater surface water interdependencies. Study of the impacts of pressures on groundwater in Europe, Service Contract No 3415/B2020/EEA.58185. pp. 47.
European Topic Center on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters
EEA (2021) Water and Agriculture: Towards Sustainable Solutions. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Support to the Common Implementation Strategy Ad-hoc Task Groups on Hydromorphology and Article 4(7) Guidance (2016-ongoing). Sponsor: EC.
Vartia, K. et al. (2018). WG ECOSTAT report on common understanding of using mitigation measures for reaching Good Ecological Potential for heavily modified water bodies. Part 3: Impacted by agricultural drainage schemes (Editors: Rouillard, J. & Kampa, E.)
European Topic Center for Urban, Land and Soil Systems
Rouillard, J, Frelih-Larsen, A., Gregor, M., Prokop, G. (2020). Evolving policy requirements and geospatial indicators. ETC/ULS Report | 00/2020
Institutions for Resilient Groundwater Dependent Rural Economies (Marie-Curie Fellowship, 2018-2020). Sponsor: EC.
Schmidt G, De Stefano et al. (2020) How to tackle illegal water abstractions? Taking stock and lessons learned from international experiences
Maréchal, JC., Rouillard, J., Dörfliger, N. (2019). Les défis de la gestion quantitative de l’eau souterraine en France. Géologues, 202, Paris, France.
Neverre, N., Rinaudo, JD, Rouillard, J. (2020). Les nappes profondes du bassin de l’Adour : état des connaissances relatives aux ressources et aux usages. BRGM.
Fish-friendly innovative technologies for hydropower (H2020 FITHYDRO, 2016-2020). Sponsor: EC.
Kampa, E., Tarpey, J., Rouillard, J., et al. (2018). Review of policy requirements and financing instruments for fish friendly hydropower. DL5.1
Contribution of Rural Development Programmes to the implementation of the EU water policy (2016-2017). Sponsor: EC
Rouillard, J., Berglund, M. (2017). European level report: Key descriptive statistics on the consideration of water issues in the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020
Berglund, M., Rouillard, J., Dworak, T. (2017). Guidance on Good Practice RDP from a water perspective
State of European Water report (2015- 2017). Sponsor: ETC Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters, EEA
Kristensen, P et al. (2018). European waters: assessment of status and pressures. EEA Report 7/2018.
Schmedtje, U. et al. (2017). Status and pressures of Europe’s waters. Preparation of main report. ETC/ICM
Schmedtje, U. et al. (2016). Status and pressures of Europe’s waters. First results based on data from 7 Member States. ETC/ICM
Schmedtje, U. et al. (2015). Status and pressures of Europe’s waters –the 2016 WFD assessment framework
Knowledge, assessment, and management for aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services across EU policies (H2020 AQUACROSS, 2015 - 2018). Sponsor: EC
Piet, G., Delacámara, G., Gómez, C.M., Lago, M., Rouillard, J., Martin, R., van Duinen, R. (2017) Making ecosystem-based management operational. DL8.1
Martin R. et al. (2017). Scenario Development. DL7.2
Gómez et al. (2016) Developing the AQUACROSS Assessment Framework. DL3
Rouillard, J. et al. (2016). Synergies and Differences between Biodiversity, Nature, Water and Marine Environment EU Policies. Deliverable 2.1
Gómez, C.M. et al. (2016). The Aquacross innovative concept. DL3.1
Financing of river basin management in South America (Europe Aid Ecocuencas, 2015 - 2017). Sponsor: EC
Vidaurre, R., Rouillard, J., Krüger, I. (2017). Implementing redistributive financial mechanisms in river basin management. A guide for Latin America..
Rouillard, J. (2017). Planificación financiera para la gestión por Cuenca. Nota informativa.
European assessment of eutrophication abatement measures (2015-2016). Sponsor: ETC Inland, coastal and marine waters, EEA.
Ibisch, R. et al. (2017). European assessment of eutrophication abatement across land-based sources, inland and coastal waters. ETC Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters, EEA.
Managing water demand: price and non-price approaches (2015- 2016). Sponsor: EEA
Dige, G. et al. (2016). Pricing and non-pricing measures for managing water demand in Europe
Sustainable farm Management Aimed at Reducing Threat to SOILs under climate change (FP7 SMARTSOIL, 2015). Sponsor: EC
Frelih-Larsen, A., et al. (2016). ‘Updated Inventory and Assessment of Soil Protection Policy Instruments in EU Member States.’ Final Report to DG Environment
Making society an active participant in water adaptation to global change (FP7 BEWATER, 2014- 2017). Sponsor: EC
Stein, U. et al. (2016). Handbook for developing participatory adaptation plans. DL 4.4
Rouillard, J., Tröltzsch, J, Davis, M, Lukat, E., Stein, U., Vidaurre, R. (2014). Protocol for developing river basin adaptation plans (protocol 3 of BEWATER approach). DL 2.3
Davis, M., Rouillard, J. et al. (2014). Compilation of best practice examples and experiences of adaptation plans. DL 4.1
Demonstrate ecosystem services enabling innovation in the water sector (FP7 DESSIN, 2014 - 2017). Sponsor: EC
Rouillard, J. et al. (2015). Governance regime factors conducive to innovation uptake. DL12.1
Vidaurre, R., & Rouillard, J. (2015). Increasing chances of innovation uptake through governance. A guide for technology companies and water utilities. Policy Brief 2
Rouillard, J. et al. (2014). Analytical framework for governance regime assessment, ML3
Economics of climate change adaptation (FP7 ECONADAPT, 2014 - 2016). Sponsor: EC
Watkiss, P., Hunt, A., Rouillard, J., Troeltzsch, J., Lago, M. (2015). Overview of costs and benefits of adaptation at the national and regional scale. In OECD (2015), Climate Change Risks and Adaptation: Linking Policy and Economic, OECD Publishing, Paris, 37-76
Rouillard, J. et al. (2016). Economic analysis of climate adaptation: Insights for policy-makers. DL 10.3
Tröltzsch, J., Rouillard, J., Tarpey, J., Lago, M., Watkiss, P., Hunt, A. (2016). The economics of climate change adaptation: Insights into economic assessment methods. DL10.2
Rouillard, J., Lago, M., Troeltzsch, J. (2016). Distributional objectives and non-monetary metrics. DL 2.3
Scussolini, P. et al. (2016). The economic appraisal of adaptation investments under uncertainties: policy recommendations, lessons learned and guidance. DL 6.4
WFD compliance of EU Rural Development Programmes (2014-2015). Sponsor: EC
Berglund, M., Rouillard, J. et al. (2016). Compliance checking of the Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive implementation: Rural Development Programme
Economic policy instruments for sustainable water management in Europe (FP7 EPI-WATER, 2013). Sponsor: EC
Delacámara, G. et al (2013). Guidance on the design and development of Economic Policy Instruments in European water policy. Guidance document