Management of individual and collective water quotas in agricultural areas under stress - Laurie Schneider

This PhD is proposed to improve stakeholders’ decisions in a context of a growing irrigation water scarcity translated nowadays in France in terms of more stringent water quotas than the previously granted individual authorizations. The challenge is therefore to achieve a distribution of total available water volume satisfactory for farmers, individually and collectively, and then to define adjustment rules.

In this context, the scientific issues addressed in this thesis are:

  • to better understand the behavior of farmers in terms of individual management of volumetric water quotas,
  • to highlight the factors explaining the diversity of behavior between farmers, and
  • to qualify the criteria on which irrigators base their choice among different rules of sharing (equity, social justice, history, ease of control, etc.)

in order to be able to include these elements in an integrated modeling of the agro-hydro-social system including the parameters explaining its spatial variability (between irrigators), and to allow stakeholders to choose the distribution modality that satisfy the better their different goals.

Keywords: Water quotas, agricultural territories in tension, quantitative management of the resource

Additional Info

  • Contact:

    PhD student: Laurie Schneider
    Phone : 06 45 11 40 09
    E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Doctoral school: EDEG
    Thesis Directors: Marielle Montginoul et Delphine Leenhardt
    Start date: 01/11/2019
    Defense date: -------

  • Team(s) of Joint Research Unit concerned:


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