2023 - Stakeholder preferences for cultural ecosystem services provided by wetlands in Eswatini

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Wetlands sustainability and their capacity to provide ecosystem services (ESS) face threats from increasing land pressure and climate change. Managing wetlands is complex and poses challenges for public agencies. This thesis explores two less-examined aspects of wetlands management in environmental economics.

First, the economic valuation of environmental goods and services often overlooks cultural services, which are crucial for cultural continuity. The first essay addresses this by measuring the economic value of cultural services through a discrete choice experiment focused on the reed dance and wetlands in Eswatini. The study found that respondents had positive attitudes towards wetland management but showed an unexpected positive utility from paying higher taxes, possibly due to cultural services being undervalued or incommensurability issues.

Second, sustainable wetlands management is hindered by differing perceptions between users and decision-makers regarding ESS importance, making wetland management a “wicked problem.” The second essay used Q methodology to explore stakeholder perspectives on ESS provided by Hawane Dam and Nature Reserve. Three views emerged: “water users,” “conservationists,” and “traditional users,” with consensus on the importance of water purification and regulation. These findings suggest that Q methodology can aid in understanding stakeholder perspectives and reducing management complexity.

Overall, the research highlights the importance of considering cultural services in valuation studies and using methodologies like Q methodology to prepare for preference elicitation studies, ultimately contributing to more effective and inclusive wetland management strategies.

Graduation © Linda Siphiwo Mahlalela


Additional Info

  • Contact:

    Doctorant : M. Linda Siphiwo Mahlalela
    Téléphone :
    E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    École Doctorale : Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, University of Pretoria
    Directeur de thèse : Damien Jourdain
    Encadrant : Eric Mungatana, Thomas Lundhede
    Date Début : 01/2016
    Date de soutenance : 10/2023

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