Vendredi découverte - Getting Involved in International Hydrological Organisations from IAHS to EGU - Christina Orieschnig

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Le vendredi 28 février 2025 à 11h00, Christina Orieschnig  est intervenue sur la thématique suivante : "Getting Involved in International Hydrological Organisations from IAHS to EGU"


Résumé : Becoming active in international hydrological organisations is a fantastic way of making new connections, finding projects to contribute to, building collaborations, and expanding your horizons. During this Vendredi Découverte we will be taking a look at all the different ways of getting involved in organisations like the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), the European Geosciences Union (EGU), and the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS). Whether as an Early Career Scientist (ECS), or as a working group member for the new IAHS scientific decade, we'll explore how you can contribute, benefit, and extend your network.

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