The UMR G-EAU participates in numerous research programs and establishes partnerships with socio-economic and scientific sectors in France, Europe, and in the wider world.
Geo-tracking of activities
Main location Secondary locations Ongoing projects
Priority actions of the UMR G-EAU
> Conduct diagnoses of reference situations at different levels, using an interdisciplinary approach to tackle resources-use dynamics, the institutions, and the local impacts of sectoral policies (water, agriculture).
> Design tools and methods of intervention for operators of hydrosystems and water supply (strategic and tactical planning, and operational management).
> Produce knowledge and tools able to assess, pilot and develop irrigated crop production systems which are suitable for a range of physical and human contexts, and are able to assess technical-economic performance (regularity, yield, quality, costs) while accounting for the environmental impacts (on waters, soils, ecosystems).
> Improve our understanding of interactions between the biophysical, economic and social processes involved in water issues, at different relevant levels.
> Suggest methods for planning, prospective analysis and negotiation that are appropriate for consultation bodies on water resources (local, regional, national and even international in transboundary basins).
> Provide training for students and professionals in water management (initial and continuing education, and hosting foreign research) from both Southern and Northern countries.
> Develop partnerships with public authorities in the water sector (Ministries, territorial collectivities, managers) for expert assessments or technical support.
> Produce management software (regulation of canals, planning, water services).
> Participate in European standardisation bodies (irrigation equipment, wastewater services).
Secondary actions by the UMR G-EAU
> Develop methods for the economic and social analysis of risk prevention strategies by focusing on flood and drought risks.
> Contribute to the maintenance and the shared exploitation of hydrological databases on some large African rivers (Niger, Senegal) built by IRD.