Infos de contact
Professional Record
2011-… : Researcher at the CIRAD- UMR G-EAU and professor of the postgraduate school of agricultural engineering (Federal University of Ceará) Main research topics: · Environmental assessment applied to water resources and irrigated systems in Mediterranean and tropical regions. Teaching (watershed management, water resources allocation) Students supervision at Msc and PhD levels.
2010-2011 : Visiting professor at the Federal University of Ceará (Agricultural Engineering – Watershed management)
Main research topics
Strategies for sustainable multi-use of small water resources in semi-arid areas (participatory building of prospective scenarios, modeling of water resources dynamics and availability, indicators of environmental and economic sustainability, social learning) (USP-UFC-AgroParisTech-CIRAD-UMR GEau - Funding IFR ILEE-FUNCEME-CIRAD)
Implementation of an agro-environmental and experimental watershed observatory (Funding: FUNCEME)
Hydrological and hydrogeological modeling, mass balance at basin scale (Cooperation UMR GEau-FUNCEME/UFC – Funding IFR ILEE-FUNCEME-UFC)
Geoprocessing and remote sensing data and tools applied to hydrological modeling at regional scale.
Teaching (watershed management, hydrology, water resources allocation)
Students supervision at graduation, Msc and PhD levels.
2009 : Researcher at FUNCEME (Research Foundation of Meteorology and Water Resources)
Main research topics:
Building of a geoprocessing method to delineate, map and evaluate the potential of exploitation of alluvial aquifers. Cooperation · Sustainable use of small water resources in semi-arid areas.
2008-2009 : Consultant for the State Water Pacts of Ceará (2008-2009) in charge of coordinating the thematic stream ‘Coexistence with semi-arid region’ (building of a consensual, shared view of water resources.
1998-2004 : Manager of the ‘Pingo d´Água’ applied research project for hydro-agricultural development in Brazilian Northeast (Cooperation French foreign Office/French National Institute of Horticulture/State University of Ceará/Municipality of Quixeramobim-CE). Goundwater irrigation of horticultural crops and water supply of rural communities.
2005 - 2008 : PhD in Water Resources, at the Montpellier II University www.univ-montp2.fr and at the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) www.posdeha.ufc.br, on « Small aluvial aquifers in crystalline semi-arid areas : functioning and strategies of management. Case study in Brazilian Northeast. » Research institutes involved (IRD-CIRAD-CEMAGREF-France).
2004 - 2005 : Msc Degree in Water Resources, at Montpellier II University, on « Hydrological modeling of a small alluvial aquifer in semi-arid Brazilian Northeast. »
1991 – 1996 : Eng. Degree - Horticultural engineering at the French National institute of Horticulture (soils/irrigation specialist) www.inh.fr
Personal Skills
Social and organizational skills and competences - High autonomy and capacity at work (projects building, management and monitoring of projects) with a multidisciplinary profile - Used to teamwork, experiences in different environments of work in France and Brazil (scientific teams in universities and research institutes, technical teams through multi-year development projects, long-term field activities with farmers, politicians). - Qualities of moderator and animator gained in particular managing hydro-agricultural projects with small farmers under strong climatic and socio-political constraints and participating of “Ceará Water Pact” in 2008 and 2009.
Technical skills and competences
Technical and scientific skills
- Participative management of water resources, including social learning
- Modeling, building of prospective tools to support the discussion with stakeholders
- Characterization and modeling of groundwater and surface water resources and simulationof the anthropogenic impacts on soils, environment and water availability.
- Remote sensing and reprocessing applied to the study and the agro-environmental monitoring (land use, salinity, water resources) Computer skills
- Advanced computer skills (Word, Excell, Access, Arcgis, Netlogo)
Mother tongue(s) French Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
Portuguese C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
English B1 Basic user B1 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user B1 Basic user (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Publications
Main publications in the last 5 years
BURTE, J. ; Coudrain, A. ; Marlet, S. (2011) Use of water from small alluvial aquifers forirrigation in semi-arid regions.Ciência Agronômica, v. 42 (1) (in press). IF=0,57.
BURTE, J. ; Jamin, J.-Y. ; Coudrain, A. ; Frischkorn, H. ; Martins, E.S. (2009) Simulations of multipurpose water availability in a semi-arid catchment under different management strategies. Agricultural Water Management, v. 96, 1-10. IF=2,14.
LE GOULVEN, P. ; LACOMBE, G. ; BURTE, J. ; GIODA, A. ; CALVEZ, R. (2009) Techniques de mobilisation des ressources en eau et pratiques d’utilisation en zones arides: bilans, évolutions et perspectives. Sécheresse, v. 20, 1-14.
BURTE, J. ; Coudrain, A. ; Frischkorn, H. ; Chaffaut, I. ; Kosuth, P. (2005) Human impacts on components of hydrological balance in an alluvial aquifer in the semiarid Northeast, Brazil.. Hydrological Sciences Journal, v. 50, 95-110. IF=1,14