Infos de contact
Géographie Humaine/ Human Geography
- Anthropologie du Développement/ Anthropology of Development
- Etudes des Sciences et Techniques/ Science and Technology Studies
- Political Ecology/ Political Ecology
2004 - DEA Environnement Milieux Techniques et Société (AgroParisTech/MNHN/Université Paris 7)
2004 – Diplome d’ingénieur agronome (AgroParisTech)
Ivars, Benoit (En cours). People, Water technologies and Hydrosocial changes in the Irrawady delta (Myanmar): getting the rhythm right. Thèse en Anthropologie sociale, à l’université de Cologne, Allemagne.
Orieshnig, Christina (en cours). Hydrologie et services écosystémiques d’infrastructure de contrôle de l’eau dans le haut delta du Mékong au Cambodge (AgroParisTech, Ecole doctorale GAIA).
- Articles
Ivars, B.; Gruel, C.; Ngone Oo, T.; and Venot JP. (2021) Slippery land, ever-shifting boundaries: claiming and accessing alluvial (is)lands in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, Journal of Political Ecology 28(1). p.146-174
Ivars, B.; Venot, JP. (2020). Claiming and re-claiming the Ayeyarwady Delta, time and again: the case of Nyaungdone Island, Myanmar. Journal of Political Ecology 27(1): 517-538.
Vos, J.; Boelens, R. ; Venot, JP. and Kuper, M. (2020). Rooted water collectives: Towards an analytical framework. Ecological Economics 173 (2020).
Veldwisch, GJ; Venot, JP.; Woodhouse, P.; Komakech, H. and Brockington, D. (2019). Re-introducing politics in African farmer-led irrigation development: Introduction to a Special Issue. Water Alternatives 12(1): 1-12.
Ivars, B. and Venot, JP. (2018). Entre politiques publiques et matérialité: associations d’usagers et infrastructures d’irrigation au Cambodge. Natures Sciences Sociétés 26 (4) : 383-394.
Woodhouse, P.; Veldwish, GJ.; Venot, JP.; Brockington, D.; Komakech, H. and Manjichi, A. (2017). African farmer-led irrigation development: re-framing agricultural policy and investment? The Journal of Peasant Studies 44(1) 213-233.
Venot, JP. (2016). A success of some sort: drip irrigation Social Enterprises and Drip Irrigation in the Developing World. World Development 79: 69–81.
Daré, W’s.; Venot, JP. (2016). Dynamiques des postures de chercheurs-engagés. Retour sur la participation dans les politiques de l’eau au Burkina Faso. Anthropologie & Développement 44 : 149-178.
Wanvoeke, J.; Venot, JP.; de Fraiture, C. and Zwarteveen, M. (2016). Smallholder Drip Irrigation in Burkina Faso: The Role of Development Brokers. The Journal of Development Studies 52:7, 1019-1033.
Venot JP; Torou BM.; Daré W. (2014). Territorialisation ou spatialisation : les agences et comités locaux de l'eau au Burkina Faso. Espace Géographique 43 (2), p. 148-163
Venot, JP.; Zwarteveen, M.; Kuper, M.; Boesveld, H.; Bossenbroek, L.; van der Kooij, S.; Wanvoeke, J.; Benouniche, M.; Errahj, M.; de Fraiture, C. and Verma. S. (2014). Beyond the promises of technology: A review of the discourses and actors who make drop irrigation. Irrigation and Drainage. 63(2): 186-194.
Cherlet, J.; Venot, JP. (2013). Structure and agency: Understanding water policy change in West Africa. Water Policy 15 (3): 479–495
Venot, JP.; Hirvonen, M. (2013). Enduring Controversy: Small Reservoirs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Society and Natural Resources 26(8):883-897
Venot, JP.; Clement, F. (2013). Justice and development in the rural South: Towards a new understanding of water projects and reforms. Natural Resources Forum 37 (2013) 19–30
Venot, JP.; Bharati, L.; Giordano, M. and Molle, F. (2011) Beyond water, beyond boundaries: Spaces of water management in the Krishna river basin, South India. The Geographical Journal 177 (2):160–170.
Venot, JP.; Andreini, N.; Pinkstaff, CB. (2011). Planning and corrupting water resources development: The case of small reservoirs in Ghana. Water Alternatives 4(3): 399-423.
Venot, JP. (2009). Échelle(s) commune(s) ou échelles multiples ? Pour une gouvernance démocratique des ressources naturelles: les zones humides en Inde. VertigO 9(1):1-10.
Venot, JP.; Molle, F. (2008). Groundwater depletion in the Jordan highlands: can pricing policies regulate irrigation water use? Water Resource Management 22(12): 1925 – 1941.
Molle, F.; Venot, JP. and Hassan, Y. (2008). Irrigation in the Jordan valley: are water pricing policies overoptimistic? Agricultural Water Management 95 (4): 427-438.
- Ouvrages collectifs et numéros spéciaux (Editeur)
Veldwish GJ. (ed.); Venot, JP. (ed.) and Komakech, H(ed.). (2018). Farmer-led irrigation development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investment, policy engagements & agrarian transformation. Water Alternatives 12(1). https://www.water-alternatives.org/index.php/tp1-2/1906-vol12/335-issue12-1
Venot, JP. (ed.); Kuper, M. (ed.); Zwarteveen, M. (eds.) (2017) Drip irrigation for Agriculture: untold stories of efficiency, innovation and development. Routledge; Abingdon & New York. 358 pages.
Venot, JP. (ed.); Veldwisch GJ. (ed.). (2017). Mythes sociotechniques et développement, Anthropologie et Développement 46-47. 282 pages. https://apad-association.org/project/no-46-47-mythes-sociotechniques-et-developpement/
Venot JP. (ed.); Krishnan, J. (ed.). (2011). Policies, politics and realities of small irrigation dams in the rural South” Water Alternatives 4(3). https://www.water-alternatives.org/index.php/tp1-2/1880-vol4/176-issue4-3