Vendredi découverte - Nexus approaches to sustainable development: examples from four projects in South Africa - Odirilwe Selomane

Vendredi 18 octobre 2024 à 11h, Odirilwe Selomane nous présentera ses travaux intiulés "Nexus approaches to sustainable development: examples from four projects in South Africa"


I work across various sustainability challenges, from notions of transforming food systems to perceptions about environmental values. This presentation will introduce a few projects I am currently working on, especially around some of the key themes of my research. Specifically, I introduce four projects: (1) the environmental sustainability gap (ESGAP) project, (2) the mainstreaming IAMs project, (3) the Future Ecosystems for Africa project, and the (4) BridgivingValues project. A common thread across these projects is a social-ecological systems approach, which recognizes the roles of both societal and environmental systems in achieving sustainability.

La présentation se tiendra à la fois en présentiel en salle Aquadémie (Bât. Confluence) sur le Site Hydropolis Lavalette, 361, rue J.F. Breton, BP 5095, 34196 Montpellier cedex 5 et en distanciel via le lien suivant :

Meeting ID: 932 4348 9025

Passcode: 995032

Venez nombreux !

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